
What happens When you Piss a Canadian off? better yet millions of us?

Prorogue Parliament Outrage

In a functioning democracy, the role of government is to represent and serve its citizens with integrity, transparency, and accountability. But what happens when those entrusted with power circumvent these principles? Canadians are now grappling with a stark example of this: the Governor General’s decision to grant the Prime Minister the ability to prorogue Parliament, effectively shutting down its work and sidestepping accountability.

This move has sparked outrage among citizens who see it as a betrayal of democratic norms and a dangerous precedent. The decision to prorogue, whether to dodge scrutiny over a scandal, avoid tough debates, or simply buy time, undermines the very foundations of a democratic society. It is a stark reminder that our “democracy” is only as strong as the willingness of its citizens to defend it.

Proroguing Parliament disrupts the democratic process, halts legislative debates, and stalls critical oversight mechanisms. When this tool is misused, it can obscure government actions and decisions from public and parliamentary scrutiny.

As citizens, we cannot remain passive observers. We must demand accountability and insist that our representatives and those who hold ceremonial yet significant powers, such as the Governor General act in the interest of the public good.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Call the Governor General’s Office: Voice your concerns directly. Demand an explanation for their decision and express how it impacts your faith in democratic governance. contact info


    (sorry the interference noise is bad…please not this was not on my end and I did not hear it while on the call)

  2. Engage Your MP: Reach out to your Member of Parliament. Ask them where they stand on this issue and what they plan to do to uphold democratic principles. Hold them accountable for representing your voice.

  3. Write Letters: Written correspondence can be powerful. A well-crafted letter sent to the Governor General, your MP, and even local newspapers can amplify the message. See mine below, copy it add to it, take out what you don’t like and then email it :

    Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon
    Governor General of Canada
    Rideau Hall
    1 Sussex Drive
    Ottawa, ON K1A 0A1

    Subject: Upholding the Responsibility Entrusted to the Governor General

    Your Excellency,

    I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding recent political events and to highlight the fundamental role your office plays in protecting the democratic principles of Canada.

    Your decision to approve Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s request to prorogue Parliament has shocked and angered Canadians. At a time when confidence in the Prime Minister is virtually nonexistent, both among elected representatives and the general public; your role as a safeguard of democracy has never been more critical. By approving this move, you have allowed a disgraced leader to sidestep accountability, undermining trust in our institutions and the very principles your office was meant to uphold.

    The role of the Governor General is not to act at the whim of the Prime Minister but to exercise judgment in moments of national importance. Prorogation is not a tool for the people, it is a tool for political deception, delaying scrutiny of the government’s failures.

    The Governor General, as the representative of the Crown, acts on the advice of the head of government but retains the right to advise, encourage, and warn. In light of the Prime Minister’s ambiguous statement, “I intend to resign as party leader, as Prime Minister, after the party selects its next leader”, I must ask whether Your Excellency exercised this constitutional prerogative. Did you provide advice, encouragement, or warning regarding the open-ended nature of this declaration, which lacks a firm timeline or clear commitment to resignation? Moreover, the use of the word “selects” instead of “elects” raises questions about the democratic legitimacy of this process. If so, I respectfully ask how it was concluded that prorogation serves the best interests of Parliament and Canadians. Given the uncertainty this creates, it is essential to understand the reasoning behind allowing such a vague course of action to proceed unchallenged.

    As part of Your Excellency’s reserve powers, the authority to dismiss a Prime Minister exists to address extraordinary circumstances where the government acts contrary to democratic principles or the public trust. The deceitful and ambiguous language used in this case undermines confidence in the Prime Minister's intent and raises even more concerns among the people of Canada. To fulfill your duties as the safeguard of constitutional integrity, Canadians believe it is necessary for you to exercise this power and ensure accountability in leadership.

    Your Excellency, we call on you to remember the true purpose of your role: to protect the integrity of our democracy, to act in the best interests of the people, and to ensure that Canada remains a free and independent nation.

    The people are speaking, and the message is clear. Canada deserves better.

    Yours sincerely,
    Connie Shields
    email: takeyourpowerback@proton.me


  4. Spread Awareness: Use social media and community networks to inform others. Share your perspective, phone calls, and letters to inspire others to take similar actions.

Freudian Slip or Deliberate Deceit?



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