It sure is a multitargeted attack on humanity

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Sounds like adults in fantasy land!!!

Mis information; dis information and lies!!! April 16, 2024

“Governments are instituted among People, deriving their Just powers from the consent of the governed.” Exactly who are those that are governed? Only United States citizens. Where are they found? Washington District of Columbia, forts, ports and needful buildings and employees and dependents such as those in the military, civil service, elected, appointed and the like. The de facto States are subdivisions of the de facto United States. There is zero law only color of law. Except on Oregon.

Not all of us, as men and women, with our progeny on the land and soil of the several states, commonwealths and territories are US citizens. All of us that are not on the property of the United States of Washington District of Columbia [Inc] or employed by it or not with a proper oath that has not been discharged, we are not United States citizens. Those in that group are U.S. citizens. When they have their bona fides in order. When they make the claim and cannot support the claim, in the case of the elected or appointed, with oath, bond and other qualifications, they are outlaw.

In a lawful state, such as de jure not the current de facto, people can and do choose to expatriate from their sovereign state of being to enter another jurisdiction. As an example stepping down from sovereign to citizen, when elected or appointed, commissioned, warranted, or enlisted. There may be additional options. Consent is required and it must be accompanied by the proper bona fides for the position. It is said, that one of us can verbally consent to being a United States citizen. I deny that verbal option. Such as in a courtroom, when asked “are you a U.S. citizen.” Under the admiralty law form, “he who can be deceived let him,” an affirmative answer can change your jurisdiction from that of a sovereign to citizen. That is fraud as the totality of the situation was not explained and the affirmation could be in ignorance of the reality. I declare ignorance of that law by a sovereign, in this case, is totally excusable until there is a complete and common understanding in written form. Consider this, 12 to 15 % of the adult population is not smart enough to join the military, but they vote, drive and stand trial.

There has not been a lawful state among the several states or the United States since March 1861. Oregon is the single known exception. The same route taken by the people on Oregon is available to the other 32 states and 17 territories. Basically, in the history of our earth, the provenance of a sovereign man or woman begins with the “unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776; followed by the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union’s Articles followed by The United States of America’s Constitution, it is our last article, and its final lawful iteration is dated 1859 with Oregon as the final lawful state among the several states.”

To become the single exception to martial law of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. [in some form] circa post 1861, a process was taken step by step. This was done by the now, provisional government on Oregon aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly. First we Assembled as in Amendment I, then we formed a social compact as in ARTICLE I Section 1 of Oregon’s Constitution. Then we formed a Civilian common law Court of record and implemented ex parte Milligan (SCOTUS) thereby nullifying martial law / Lieber code / FEMA.

We then formed a Jury Pool of men and women, sovereigns, with their bona fides in order. Grand Juries was called and appeared and found presentments and true bills. The Presentments were served to 38 Prosecutors on Oregon and the true bills went to our Article III Amendment VII court. Our court brought forth verdicts without appeal in fact and provided them to the USDOJ, USMS, FBI, USMC, State of Oregon aka STATE OF OREGON’s executive, legislative and judiciary, 36 Sheriff and 38 prosecutors on Oregon. They all acquiesced an defaulted. What took www.orsja.org 4.5 years to do can be accomplished on paper, by the other 32 states and 17 territories in 30 days. Signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service. You will find all of this and instructions at no fee www.orsja.org.

Living Testimony in the form of an Affidavit of truth.

: I am, I am known as one of the people. Clerk of our Civilian Court of record, having implemented ex parte Milligan, nullifying martial law/ Lieber Code/FEMA with ARTICLE I Section 1 the provisional government on Oregon aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly’s Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction found in Amendment VII whose verdict has no appeal in fact, of Oregon the state among the several states in the Constitutionally de jure law form of The United States of America’s Constitution and Oregon’s Constitution circa 1859, ron vrooman the common man, private; Ronald Charles Vrooman in cursive on my birth certificate and as trustee to the Private Membership Association RONALD CHARLES VROOMAN, the STRAWMAN; also known as Ronald Charles Vrooman Private Attorney General by the United States Congress 42 U.S.C.1988 and 18 U.S.C.1510 and 18 U.S.C. 1512 and to be known as “One of the People” also “Qualified Criminal Investigator” and “Federal Witness” and by Living Testimony without rebuttal... Status identified and without rebuttal in the City of Beaverton public record, Beaverton Municipal Court and the United States Federal District Court Portland, Oregon. US Navy veteran 5159365 discharged. The flesh, blood and soul, body-mind-spirit, a man, on Oregon, an Oregonian, a Continuous Traveler, a non-US citizen, born August 14, 1938 Reno, Nevada, with two ancestors, a father and son direct blood-line, that fought for New York in our Revolution. My mother’s father, born Stockwell-Gonzalez in 1876, New Mexico. Mail: General Delivery, Beaverton, Oregon [97005] 503-641-8375, ronvrooman38@proton.me

With full faith and credit governing law is established in this document at this time to be: Declaration of Independence; Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union; Oregon’s Original Constitutions circa 1859, and The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. And ORCP 20A; Clearfield Doctrine; Accardi Doctrine; ex parte Young; ex parte Milligan; McCarran Walters Act 1952; Judiciary Act 1789-Sec 32; Judgment Nihil Dicit are all specifically called into this document. They are all governing law, which must be accepted. The current 13th and 14th amendments are bogus and must be rejected. Take Heed of the Blackstone Commentaries. The DOJ is agent to the entity responsible for the enumerated requirements of Article III, the one supreme Court that must claim original jurisdiction to be a court I would consider to have jurisdiction when found in conjunction with Amendment VII Court… The DOJ has failed miserably in their responsibility. ..We must do it ourselves. We define the words we use. We decide our method of communication.

This communiqué is not intended to mislead, defraud, deceive or threaten in any way and is submitted in “good faith and with clean hands.” I do lawful not legal and this is my best effort.

I close with Love, peace, harmony and a prayer. A US Marshal has determined my prayer is not a threat. He then reneged on his word, which is only good one time. "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition." www.orsja.org

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Our elected officials sold us out a long time ago. Bill Gates & China are helping engineer famine by being allowed to buy up farm lands which were producing delicious GMO Bioengineered crops and vaccinated livestock. Corruption runs so deep. Bill Gates matches US contributions to the WHO which gains him lots of influence. The UN/WHO/WEF are all the save evil beast. Stopworldcontrol.com might provide some tools to fight back. I shared this video on another sub and it's how the few control the many. It's about 15 minutes but well worth the watch. What he doesn't say is we are dealing with a society where good is evil and evil is good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEkgZtu_Q2Q

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Yes I have seen it, Dr. Shiva has lots of good points and drawing it out does help people understand. We truly are in an upside down world ...please visit preventgenocide2030.org

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