Seriously, a chemtrail picture as if it's beautiful? Those "clouds" are obviously chemtrail clouds, in this case even made up of chemtrail "wisps" swirled around becoming more cloud-like. Thus, those trails and clouds are full of dangerous, poisonous levels of chemicals and biological agents, and well as nanotech (nanites in the air) and the "'Covid' 'vaccines'". We are being systematically poisoned with this government-admitted geoengineering, which is causing a lot of the things they claim we have to combat. With what? More universal poisons to exterminate most of the Earth's human population. They already mass-murdered over seventeen MILLION people globally with the "'Covid' 'vaccines'", one million of which is the U.S. deaths from same. And the deaths are only going to continue to rise.

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Canada is not alone in this purpose demise as all countries of the West have been corrupted and are following suit. Just seems like Justin Trudeau is following his orders from Klaus Schwab in lock step. I don't know if you saw the clip but Klaus brags about Justin Trudeau being his favorite lap dog and implementing all of the WEF missions or agendas. He bragged that over 50% of the cabinet were WEF, saying they penetrate the cabinets. People are waking up to this reality, but I fear it's not fast enough.

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Yes, I think Klaus was down playing it, my estimate is 100% of the cabinet has been infiltrated.. All parties are signed up to this global governance, giving you the illusion of choice. They are implementing it thru the local levels via the United Nations, UNESCO, ICLEI, and the UN insurance plan better known as C40 cities. Watch Catalytic Conversations every Saturday at 5:00 pm EST as we hear from Mayors, MLA's , MP's etc from around the world who try to do what is right. It becomes evident real fast where we are headed if the people don't stop wasting time with rallies, and protests and get behind the only thing that will stop this collision course...GET US OUT OF THE UNITED NATIONS & ALL SUBSIDIARY ORGANIZATIONS. NOW If you visit https://preventgenocide2030.org/canada you will find ways to take action.

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May 2Liked by Connie Shields

Great point! Look here, but don't look there. People are protesting against Israel for Gaza while their true freedoms are being stripped away. I will check that out. Thanks!

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When I clicked on the take action button at the bottom of the page, it did not work...wanted to let you know.

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click on the right side of it, under preventgenocide

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Thank you please visit. https://preventgenocide2030.org/

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Sometimes good people have to do bad things, this is that sometimes. Rima sent me.😀🇦🇺

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