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Damn straight, Connie! I live in the US, not Canada, but change the names and faces and you have the same smarmy, hypocritical, tyrannical "leaders" leading us straight into the arms of the depopulationist monsters we currently call "Globalists".

And, yes, every single one of our sorrows, the degradation and destruction of our schools, our economy, our food supply, our health and health care systems, our political life, our regulatory structure, our representative democracies, our communication and free speech, our human rights, every single one of our sorrows comes from, is orchestrated by, is run by, and serves the private club known as the UN (that is, the Unelected Nobodies).

Right now, the US Congress has before it he Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR 6645/ S 3428), a pair of bills that would exit the US totally from the UN and all of its subsidiary pieces, including the WHO. It is urgently important that people in the US support those bills which they can do here, https://PreventGenocide2030.org, and then share that they have done so with everyone they know so that they can do the same thing.

Once the US leaves the UN, it will be immeasurably weakened and the Globalists just might let the whole damn thing collapse.

Why now? because the UN is moving forward with something even worse than their insane Sustainability Development Goals and One Health and UNDRIP Land Grabs and Digital ID and 15 minute Cities and Comprehensive Sexuality Education.

It is called "Pact for the Future" and, in terms of crushing rights and freedoms, you literally ain't seen nothin' yet. Pact for the Future is set to be adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 23, 2024. That's this year. Be afraid enough to act rapidly to mobilize massive support for the bills that will remove the US from the UN.

Don't just read this. Do something about it: take action, share widely, take action again, share widely again. And again. As if your life depends on it.

It does.

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