We are fighting each other because we forget the real reason we are here, now. We didn't come here to be afraid of this lifetime.

We came here to change it.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

Connie, While I would agree in principle with your comments regarding infighting, there is one important caveat that should be considered, namely, the intentional spreading of misinformation. Much of the infighting that you describe is clearly the result of differences of opinion, which is understandably to be expected. There is, it would appear, however, also many that intentionally sow the seeds of discontent, perhaps some just to get attention or a reaction, but almost certainly others to splinter any cohesion among those that attempt to share the truth. While the bickering and ad hominem attacks definitely have to go, people should nevertheless require evidence—indeed, demand proof—of what others say online. The MO of most seems to be to just accept as fact whatever is said simple because it was said or repeated, which isn't any standard of proof at all. We should rather hold each other to account so that we can collectively "weed out" those those that purposefully lie. If we do not, not only will the infighting never end, but our collective efforts will be in vain and be doomed to failure. I would, therefore, encourage everyone to start questioning those that put out information:—in a polite and respectful manner—ask for sources, evidence, and proof, so that we might gradually and collectively come to some genuine consensus about what is the truth and what is not. People also need to learn to recognize the difference between opinion and fact. Many still believe whatever was written in a book just because it was "written in a book." That philosophy was never justified with respect to books—and it sure as Hell isn't justified online. We desperately need to change that ill-informed mindset and we need to do it fast.

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agreed, do you have suggestions on how to change that mindset...to me when you voice a difference of opinion it should warrant an open discussion and NOT being blocked by the very individual or group that you voiced the concern to. I believe the time was here long ago to STAND UP, and call out that which is wrong, EVEN if it is coming from our "own side".

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Aug 31·edited Sep 1

Without the reach of someone like Elon Musk or Joe Rogan, probably the only realistic way would be to lead by example, and to encourage other to do likewise whenever the opportunity presents itself. As I suggested, when you hear something that is unfounded or unlikely ask where the idea came from, and ideally get the sources and check the information. Call the person out if it proves inaccurate or a blatant lie. Moreover, though, explain what you are doing; let people know that you only seek the truth and its ultimate source; if the person is being honest they should be happy to provide it. You have a platform in which others read, if your readership (or viewership) see you doing it the idea might start to catch on. It certainly won't happen overnight, but if enough start doing it the practice should eventually reach critical mass; at which point, infiltrating lairs will have neither a voice nor influence.

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They are working on humanities fears, fears we hold from eons ago. Until people stop being in a state of fear it will be hard. We all must remove all the fears we have. They have colonized the whole world with their fake religions. Which was to divide humanity. We must remember there is more of us than them. DO NOT COMPLY! When they force smart meters, smart appliances, wireless, 5g down our throats we must start to realize these things are bad for our health. With question is Will Pierre Poilerrie remove Canada from the UN, WHO, 5 EYES and all of these globalist companies.

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Pierre Poilievre is 100% signed on to Agenda 2030. Go to preventgenocide2030.org get the litmus test to give to all politicians (local, provincial, federal)

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