I believe the root goes back even further, to the Predators. But if we stop the UN, we stop a huge deliberately destructive (as usual, masquerading as "for our own good").

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Yes the UN is the cogwheel they have formulated for C0Ntrol.

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I just cross posted this excellent piece on DrRimaTruthReports.substack.com. Why? Because Connie has once again hit the nail squarely on the head.

What a pleasure to read, and what a horror to realize just how right she is.

There is only one answer: #ExitUN.

There is no point dealing with the WHO. Once we exit the Death Machine, we are done with that steaming pile of offal.

And you can do that here: PreventGenocide2030.org. Now. And share the link.

Thank you.

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Unfortunately, there are many other answers and just focusing on the un is a huge mistake. That's like the Nuremberg trials which was just theater. You've got to get to the actual root cause of all of this. See my comment below.

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The root goes so far back that the united nations is just another "pimple" that these psychopaths have used to "legally" makes their plans a reality. Research the vatican, the bank of international settlements, freemasons, knights of templer and you'll be on your way to those who have created all of this. It's a confusing mess of psychopaths that use and abuse each other and outsiders for their own wealth and power. Become white pilled. Thinking it's just the un is still being black pilled. This has been going on since the roman times. The vatican and the oligarchs are still in charge and trying to take final power.

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I believe they have "outside" help. They've allowed themselves to be infiltrated by demonic spirits that really do hate mankind. Imho, their goal is to wipe us out before we can be redeemed by the blood of Jesus so that the energy of our essence (our soul) goes into the pit to create their "new race". Just listen to lady gag me on the topic. She spent 3 days in some sort of egg and talked about it.

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Thank you!

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And if you want to see what the whole earth system is, watch this video. God bless!


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