Yep we were warned there will be perilous times coming

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LOVE your work, Connie. I just cross posted this amazing article to DrRimaTruthReports.substack.com.

Please listen up, folks, and act now to help get the US out of the UN.

The subject of this article, and the podcast it contains, is the coming implementation of your utter economic destruction by the UN as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or the Great Reset in which you get to either be dead of totally impoverished and dependent on the meal worm and drugs provided by the masters.

Or you could stop it here: PreventGenocide2030.org by taking the 10 Million Patriot Challange.


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This is for real??? - am I understanding right:

Assented to 1991-12-13

An Act respecting banks and banking

“Sunset provision

21 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (4), banks shall not carry on business, and authorized foreign banks shall not carry on business in Canada, after June 30, 2025.


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IT SURE DOES MEAN WHAT IT SAYS...they are just waiting to implement CBDC

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Thank you for this horrific information. I will pass it on.

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The two subsections are (2) and (4) of Section 21 (copied below). The are, in fact, rather insignificant in that they only refer to how much longer banks can continue to operate in Canada. They are NOT conditions upon which banks might or might not continue to operate—perhaps somewhat surprisingly. In other words, unless there is/are (a) revision(s) to the Act, there will be no more banks in Canada in, at most, about 2 years from now. The real question is, however, what does this mean for Canada and Canadians? Does it mean, for example, that there won't be any more need for banks after the effective date because ever transaction will be based on digital CBDCs, which will be allotted and/or controlled according to your social credit score (in other words we will all be living under conditions of digital slavery by then)? Is it a means of triggering the bank bail-in clause to harvest depositors' assets? Does it mean that there really is a QFS and that banks will become redundant because we will have gained financial freedom? Does it mean that governments (in this case Canada's) are just going to collapse their respective financial system in order to bring about civil wars, globally, to usher in the globalists' long sought after "one-world government"? So far I've yet to hear from anyone who has a clue what this really means.


Section 21(2) The Governor in Council may, by order, extend by up to six months the time during which banks may continue to carry on business and authorized foreign banks may continue to carry on business in Canada. No more than one order may be made under this subsection.

Section 21(4) If Parliament dissolves on the day set out in subsection (1) or on any day within the six-month period before that day or on any day within an extension ordered under subsection (2), banks may continue to carry on business, and authorized foreign banks may continue to carry on business in Canada, until the end of the 180th day after the first day of the first session of the next Parliament.

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This is utterly huge stuff. It indicates that whoever put it in had a very good idea of the road ahead, and even a timeline. How many people know about this? I don't know anyone who knows about this, or anyway anyone who has mentioned it.

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Since the bill passed into law in 1991, presumably it would have been the Mulroney government that was responsible for the Act and, specifically, section 21 (assuming it wasn’t an addendum). As for its celebrity, the subject was discussed at length online about a year ago, but that was by a relatively small, isolated community. The Act might, of course, have been discussed in other forums and by other groups of people that I am unaware of, but it’s doubtful that that occurred very often. So, apart from the few in government, law, banking, and finance that would deal with that sort of legislation it's unlikely that there are very many who have any clue what’s coming or what this means—quite likely that all our “good days” are behind us. (Remember to keep one bullet for yourself.)

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Harper appointed Mark Carney as governor of Bank of Canada, Trudeau is now very close to appointing him to Freeland position...and then when he surprisingly steps down Mark Carney slips in as our PM, at the same time as the King pin for the UN. Time for people to see what is really going on

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While that definitely seems to be the case,—and is certainly something that is worth pointing out—I'm failing to make the connection: how is that germane?

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Thank you for this comment. I will make it part of my post.

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You're welcome—glad it proved useful.

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You'd have to see other sections of the Act in order to understand the meaning behind these statements. I've read enough of these Acts in my career to appreciate that.

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what do you see the meaning to be?

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I got an interesting - AND PERHAPS QUITE IMPORTANT - comment from a reader:

I know that Wikipedia is trash, but it is right on occasion. What you are referencing seems to be a sunset clause which will take effect if the Bank Act isn't periodically reviewed as required by law.


More here:

https://www.torrielaw.ca/status-and-powers-of-banks/The Bank Act (1991, c. 46) (French: Loi sur les banques) is an act of the Parliament of Canada respecting banks and banking.

So I went and checked both links. Here is Wikipedia:


The Bank Act was originally passed in 1871. The terms of the Act provide for a statutory review of the Act on a regular basis to ensure that legislators update the Act in order that it keep pace with developments in the financial system. Historically, this was done on a decennial basis.[2] In 1992, this requirement was changed to every five years. The Act contains a "sunset" clause providing that it and the bank charters provided by it will expire unless the statutory review is conducted every five years. In 2016 the Federal Government proposed a two-year extension[3] to the review deadline. The most recent statutory review of the Act took place in 2019 with the next review scheduled for 2023.[4]


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this is the first amendment to put a concrete date in, when you combine this with Mark Carney and Project Jasper one needs to connect the dots


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I looked - so much outside my knowledge areas.

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here is a small glimpse into what is coming. Thunder Bay, Ont Walmart posted Due to Unforeseen circumstances Walmart cannot take cash nor give cash back...what possible reason could there be for this?

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This stuff I have long known about - knew about it years ago. Everyone's been talking about that kind of things for several years. That is very different from the passage from the Bank Act.

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this was Saturday Aug 3 by big box store, it is the first I have seen big box store do this. It is 100% a pilot run. Look into Project Jasper

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Gold and silver will be worthless. All buying and selling will be completed on the block chain using digital currency. How is silver going to help?

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