Meet Doug Lagore, Alberta Canada. They are not hiding it anymore. They are going for dictatorship. Now, what did we learn about dictatorships going totalitarian? My suggestion is democratic revolutions a.s.a.p. Organize, cooperate seriously and broadly, suggest noncompliance and replace the dictators, in any way possible! Peacefully if possible... If they turn ugly, respond appropriately!

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every local government is signed on to this whether they know it or not!!! Do you have a way to put me in contact with Sabrina Wallace

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I love Sabrina. One of the best women alive on this planet. Not many out there. Give her three hugs from me, Connie! http://www.psinergy.com/

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WOW, Connie. Nailing it right on the head yet again.

I will cross post this clear, direct and insightful article since, although it is looking at the shenanigans in one city in one province in Canada, the process of UN-mediated municipal capture and destruction (like the destruction of representative democracy herein documented by Comrade/Duce/Fuerer Lagore) is the fast-approaching tide of destruction - if we let it be.

At PreventGenocide2030.org you can tell your Congress Members that you demand they pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR 6645/S 34238) if you have a US address AND, wherever you live, you can sign the No Tyranny Declaration AND tweet the US Presidential Candidates asking for their clear, yes-or-no, answers to the three most important questions of this election season.

It is interesting to note that not one of the Presidential hopefuls has mentioned these questions. So it is up to us to make them the leading issues of this electoral silly season when the Uniparty Theatrical Company plays on every screen, newspaper and magazine in the US.

If we want representative democracy, we have to fight for it (no violence). If we want humanity to survive, we have to fight for it (no violence).



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write to who!!!??? exactly??? writing protest ---screaming howling calling danielle smith a fucking asshole ---stupid bitch --even CUNT!!! does what exactly!!?? calling trudeau a mutant lover ---does what again?? write--vote--its all rigged---you actually think we are in a place of law?? this article has proved that we are in a total state of lawlessness---and people are so divided you have no unity here---and no one is willing to lose what they are going to anyway---canadians will never fight---forget it---they are fat-foolish-fickle-and fucked---and they think this is normal---if you want to make change then secede from canada---and thats not going to happen either---and the worst of it all---the centralized dictatorship know canadians are children that can be easily distrated with fake pandemics and fake BS to increase taxes by 63% soo do you really thinking email or writing a letter is going to change this ---am not sure whether to laugh or speak canadian to this---this has been going on since the covid fake has begun and its not going to stop anytime soon----we need to talk seperation and follow through and we need to talk to each other and exclude these corrupt gangsters that are running the country to the ground

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oh this has been going on for a lot longer than since the Covid fake, it has been the agenda of the United Nations since it's inception and Canada signed on decades ago. They started infiltrating the local levels in 1994, when they all incorporated and became money printing machines for the globalists. This is NOT a Canada thing it is a global thing. Are you familiar with Agenda 2030? All the woke shit, the net zero, the destroying the family, Dr.'s becoming drug pushers, Ag hijacked EVERYTHING falls into one of their Sustainable Development goals. The ONLY way out is to convince the masses to rise up and demand we exit the death machine!!!!! When you see the bigger picture it becomes clear

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you will never ---Never convince the masses---they are to fucking stupid---coddled to death --decadent---and will do F All as long as they have there beer -hockey and shopping---all this has to play out and its not going to be good with anyone canadian that has a brain--and can see this BS---2030 is now 2025 you got a year to pull out of the banking system they are shutting the banks down next june--govt will not be available til the banks reboot in january mean while you will be on an open banking system--- we have been trying to wake the masses in canada for 25 years---and now you re seeing a mass exodus even from the imports coming in---canada is heading for a dictatorship---war will be here in the globe by either october this year or jan---when that happens everything will be accelerated and the charter will be only good to wipe your ass with it there will be a whole new assembly embedded----have a plan B get with the 1% That are still functioning---and get ready for the ride---canada is on a slide --when it hits bottom by next year its not going to be recognizable

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Canada is at war now, just most have not seen it. Maurice Strong said get to the municipal level and work the way up. IMO that is how we bring it down, we focus on waking our local govs up...where are you from? I won't be around to see how this plays out but I will fight till I take my last breath. I have known for years and have been planning to at least not starve, banking seeds etc. We started Canada Barter and Trade groups throughout the country so people will have options.

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never going to happen

A canadians are decadent and will not fight

B they didnt even look at the BS with the fake pandemic they fell like dominoes and not one of them looked at this with common sense---they told them to wear a mask and they did they told them to stay 6 ft away they did --- if they had told them like china to get there asshole swab they would ---you have about 1 % of the populace that still has a functioning brain cell---look at AB they are falling for that BS out there ---remember the 2 week curve they are in one as well --the water is being redirected it has nothing to do with the pipe --BC also had a pipe burst---now quebec--- even the netherlands just had a pipe burst ---and idaho has had there water turned off -and iowa flooded--the war is so much further then you even know----I would tell you have a plan B ---they arent going to fight---even with the 63% tax hike and the other taxes the Libs have brought in they are nt fighting---tittles in ottawa has about a dozen crimess and violations---he s still there---the rcmp arent doing a damn thing---the banks are going to be shut down june 31 2025 its on the govt site 21..1.1 the bank act ---you think maybe then they will fight---nope----get your ass out as best you can or head away from any major area the AI is already running the show and its going to be taken over even more---the selections show you have no say or voice---we have no system the wef is running canadians to the grave

and most dont even see it---

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you are preaching to the choir my friend. I am in Alberta and hence why I wrote the article, read my past posts. Where would you run to? That is the entire point here THERE IS NOWHERE TO RUN. This is GLOBAL domination the only solution is to cut the head of the snake ...

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true about the running but you cant stay there---you are about to lost it all---at the least there are still some places where you can have time to be more prepared and not leave a foot print---I had to leave canada due to a DEW assault chris sky had to leave kevin johnson and people are lining up to get out---where ever you do go ---determine its your final desination in this life

canada is done---what we had they have fucked 7 ways to sunday


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Usually only 3% of the people fight and fight they will. Those 3% have won nations and I believe will again. The formula is the same and oppressive leadership always just a blind to their own weaknesses and hubris. Awareness is indeed the first step in the Resistance. If covid did anything it unmasked the contempt big business and government have for the people under them and revealed just how shallow and uninformed the canadian people are. Oppressive authority in this nation deserves every bit of contempt pushed it's way.

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we dont have 3% hahahah that was when we were fighting and had more telling it the way it is---now with bill c63 and the other bill you can be hung by even a YT vid-you said years ago--as I said you re not going to make any ground here ---canadians dont want to fight --and as long as it hasnt reached them to impact there lives they dont see it or want to ---I am not being negative ---im being factual---this I will encourage those who are awake and are functioning and have a brain sustain edify and support them the rest---most of them will be dead anyway soon enough ---the govt already gave them there suicide jab and all they have to do is activate the LNP and trigger a response and they will be gone since all of this was microwave targetting in the first place --since there was no covid --and is also offering maid and alot are taking them up on that as well ---and pay attention to the beer commercials called Modelo---that will be the next disease they will identify

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