A dictator approach. With un defined powers, omnipotent jurisdiction. And that's what he notices? The mice nuts on the bill. Prove he hated mandates, where's his immediate endorsement of the citizens inquiry. Ask him him to post the citizens inquiry into debate today, ask him to do a press release TODAY on the citizens inquiry. Ask him to summarize the findings on cbc. Ask him to bring in the families of dead to vaccine. Ask him to .... make a prove it list

Paid opposition imho,

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MP Kusie is in a conflict of interest being on the Board of the Trilateral Commission. She needs to be investigated.

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Correct Connie. All working for satan will eventually become his victim. Feel sorry for them because they do not realize what they are doing! Some call people working for satan "cowards". I call them very brave for risking eternal hell.

What is the solution? My suggestion is to follow Jesus last prayer to disciples and non-believers!

In my opinion a good idea is to create a Real UNI-party, a rainbow coalition, by the people, through the people, for the people, for truth, for the children, for our health, for justice! If you agree, then get started!

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