Glyphosate is not likely in fish if they are cold packed or frozen. If the fish is packed in water or oil, then the potential exits to add poisons like Glyphosate or the bioweapon they have misnamed as a 'vaccine'. Remember, the people who are trying to depopulate the world are out to remove 90%+ of the entire population of the world. The only way to avoid Glyphosate is to buy direct from a farmer (Farmers Markets) and you need to check to ensure that they do not use herbicides. Glyphosate is persistent in plants. It lasts for 20 years. Carbon in the form of Charcoal will lock up Glyphosate. All water (including all liquid products made with water) you drink should be filtered with a carbon filter.

Here is a link to Dr Don Huber who explains Glyphosate, What it is, where it came from and how it works to reduce necessary minerals, enzymes & metals and allow damaging minerals, enzymes and metals. Bacteria and fungus are necessary for life but some of them will destroy life. Dr Don Huber explains the concept. BTW, Viruses DO NOT EXIST!


Q. If you find glyphosate in any food product can you sue the provider of that food?

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It is tougher than you think. Safeways, IGA Sobeys all Loblaws stores are allowing Glyphosate into all their meats. It could be that the farmers are feeding their animals plants that have been sprayed with Glyphosate to control weeds, however it is persistent and follows up the food chain appearing in the meat, fruits and veggies.

We must remove all Glyphosate from being sold, distributed and used everywhere in the world.


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Are you serious??? My god! We don't eat meat but I didn't know that it was permit! Do you know if they put that in fishs too?

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You are the carbon the elites want to remove

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Correct. The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections. Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed.


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Including my Mother

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The next CCP owned puppet to be installed to the LPC

Mark Carney


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WEF / CCP globalist elite sock puppet

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My Mother is currently in the ICU with Pulmonary Fibrosis. They also think she has lukemia. She has had 4 blood transfusions. She took the Astra Zeneca. AstraZeneca pulled out of Canada in 2023. Here's some relevant historical data:


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Astra had the micro glass particles in them correct?

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