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#232 - (Special Episode) Melissa Ciummei: The Dangers of the Public Health Bill, Government Overreach, and the Fight for Personal Freedom

Spotify, Apple podcast and Rumble links at the bottom of the post.
Cross-post from Doc Malik Honest Health
Do you see a pattern here...pretty much echos Canada's Bill C-293. Please go to for more information and take action today. TOMORROW IS TOO LATE!!! This is a global take over and we need to STOP IT NOW -



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About this episode -

I want to begin by thanking the wonderful Melissa for her hard work and tireless campaigning. Melissa sent me all the links and relevant legislation that I needed to read along with her notes, which helped me immensely in preparing for the podcast and writing up the substack.

Melissa is an independent researcher and investor. Her degree was in theology from Trinity College Dublin. When I asked her for a bio, she responded,

“In truth, I am an unpaid worker doing the work of paid professionals within government and journalism in terms of attempting to protect and create awareness. My motivation is that I have two wonderful children to whom I’m leaving a world behind, and I’d like that to be a better world for them to live in.”

Last week, my friend Marianne Walsh brought a video posted on 22nd September 2024 to my attention. In it, Melissa Ciummei interviews Michael Brentnall, a Human Rights Solicitor. They discuss the proposed Northern Ireland Public Health Bill, which is out for public consultation (it closes on 14th October).

I then read an article by Dr Liz Evans (see here).

This made me reach out to both Melissa and Liz. I’ve read the proposed Public Health Bill, and if it gets passed, it will be a complete and utter disaster for medical ethics, informed consent, bodily autonomy, and freedom.

The Public Health Bill (Northern Ireland) consultation, issued on 5 July 2024 with responses required by 14 October 2024, raises significant concerns about government overreach and the erosion of personal freedoms under the guise of public health protection.

At its core, this proposal seems to introduce protectionism into public health by stealth. It asks us to give up informed consent and bodily autonomy, with an extension into surveillance—where we must forfeit privacy and biometric data in exchange for supposed protection from crime. Melissa believes the Bill is ultimately driven by economic factors, such as impending financial collapse, which will lead to a totalitarian one-world government. Imaginary global health emergencies are used to justify the issuance of Vaccine passports, which are, in essence, digital IDs that allow for the introduction of Digital Currency, which will be tied to Social Compliance, also known as Social Credit Score. This is tyranny disguised as protection.

The origins of this Bill arise from Scottish legislation. Whole segments of the Coronavirus Scotland 2022 Bill were copied and pasted into this legislation. See 86G -

And in case you are at this point wondering why YOU should be concerned about a Bill being considered in Northern Ireland, know that yesterday it was Scotland, today it is Northern Ireland and Canada (see below), and tomorrow it will be England and Wales and wherever YOU live.

These Bills and pieces of legislation are not spontaneous and isolated cases. They are highly uniform and globalist, which should set everyone's alarm bells off.

Essentially, the powers that rule us are using the threat of imaginary Public Health Emergencies to pass legislation that gives them the power to remove our fundamental freedoms: the right to privacy, property, and life.

This newly proposed Bill’s focus on "health protection" is, in reality, a step toward medical enslavement. Let’s be clear—this proposal needs to be scrapped entirely with no further progress. How dare this even be proposed?

Who granted them the authority to fundamentally change Northern Ireland’s healthcare and legal systems? The Bill aims to reshape governance and law in a way that presumes public consent, assuming we would accept such dramatic shifts. This consultation is an opportunity to define the boundaries of authority rather than be thankful the Bill hasn’t passed yet. We should be pushing for legislation that promotes healthcare, not undermines it.

It is incredible that in a 79-page document on a proposed Public Health Bill, there is not one single item that actually promotes public health. There is nothing on diet, nutrition, exercise, or stress, for example. It is 79 pages justifying why the State should exercise power over and at the expense of our sovereignty.

Our leaders are sending a clear message: they don’t trust us to make decisions for ourselves, as evidenced by their criticism of how people behaved during the pandemic. They claim there should be no risk or harm, meaning we’re seen as vulnerable and needing protection, but the cost is our freedoms and bodily autonomy. Questions 5, 32, 41, and 43 make this explicit—they want to force protection on us and criminalise non-compliance.

Should healthcare be criminalised if we refuse to accept it? Questions 12, 13-18, 20, 21, 32, and 42 hint at fines and court orders for non-compliance. Even if forced vaccinations are removed, the idea of forced protection and criminal penalties for refusing it is unacceptable. They’re building a second-tier policing system, with the Public Health Agency (PHA) becoming the ultimate authority in Northern Ireland, more powerful than the police, with no oversight.

This consultation is framed using the Delphi technique, which makes it appear we have choices, but the options are restricted to guide us toward the government’s desired outcome. The questions fail to address the major concerns in the proposal, steering us toward acceptance without understanding the consequences.

Consider the presumed consent model, as seen in Australia, which shifts the healthcare system from promoting health to protectionism. This is a moment to demand a return to health promotion before it’s eroded completely. If this Bill is passed, international organisations could dictate decisions, subjecting Northern Ireland to foreign entities' control, with devolved powers reduced. Accountability would disappear. Changes to the magistrates’ courts (point 124) would establish ex parte decisions (one decided by a judge without requiring all of the parties to the dispute to be present), resembling a kangaroo court that rubber-stamps government approval. At the same time, the PHA’s "authorised officers" wield unchecked power without oversight from bodies like the police ombudsman.

This proposal fundamentally changes the government's and its citizens' relationship—from governing with us to ruling over us. One could argue that the idea of governments governing with us is naive and theoretical, but at least that was the guiding principle. This bill will cement the change to rule over us. This is a massive shift for the worse.

Moreover, the consultation fails to meet the principles set out in 2018. It needs more clarity and conciseness, with questions buried in a lengthy, complicated document. Consultations should provide enough information for people to offer informed responses, but here, options are limited and responses constrained.

Are people genuinely aware of the rights they’ll be giving up in exchange for this supposed protection? The consultation hides behind vague terms and offers little transparency.

Mike Nesbitt, MLA Minister of Health, acknowledges the problem with the outdated 1967 Act, which only covers infectious diseases, while other jurisdictions and international law adopt an "all-hazards" approach. This approach expands the range of threats they can claim to protect us from, including natural disasters, terrorism, and cyber-attacks. Nesbitt even admits this will enable broader surveillance. Yet, how do we define “all hazards,” and what new powers will this give authorities?

In summary, the proposed Bill seeks to:

  • Adopt an "all-hazards" approach to public health, aligning with other UK jurisdictions.

  • Expand powers related to quarantine, isolation, medical examinations and interventions.

  • Criminalise any behaviour that resists and seeks to defend fundamental human rights.

  • Widen the scope of health legislation to create permanent powers.

  • The Bill's scope is limitless, and the list of rights we would surrender is nowhere to be found. Parliament's justification for compulsory vaccination parallels the compatibility of lockdown measures and mandatory medical treatment under mental health law with human rights. However, these arguments must recognise the fundamental flaws in forcing health measures on a population.

In conclusion, this Bill is a dangerous expansion of government power, eroding personal freedoms under the banner of public health. We must reject this attempt at forced protection and demand legislation that truly promotes health, accountability, and individual rights.

Fiona a dear supporter who I spoke to today said the following about Public Health.

“The unit of analysis for health is the Indvidual human body. The idea of public health is a category error.

The public health data is based on  loose and poor measures of health of individuals amalgamated into categories, or labels, via poor tests, partial assessments. Amalgamating is not a measure of health. 

The roll back of common law includes the idea of labelling people and their homes.

Such labels are based on contagious risk to other people and contagion risk properties too.

This approach presumes a rights removal of body sovereign concept. You can be removed and locked up (quarantined) you can be locked up based on pseudo-testing, presumed asymptomatic spreader status.”

I couldn’t agree more with Fiona. We must move away from so-called Public Health to Individual Health, away from the “Greater Good” to Personal Responsibility, and from collectivism to individualism.

To stop this Bill dead in its tracks, you can do the following 3 things (no matter where you live in the world) -

1 - Go to the consultation survey, and in Question 1, write something along the lines of the following in the box (you can do this anonymously).

“My personal response to this is to not participate in the agree/disagree questions; I will not be ticking any boxes. Rather, MY response will be as a comment to the first question and also to send an email to back it up. It will read as follows:

I do not consent to this bill and reject your authority to assume my agreement to a fundamental shift in the relationship between the government and the people of Northern Ireland. You ask questions unrelated to the bill's profound impact on my human rights. It is unclear what rights I will give up in exchange for "protection." This bill promotes harmful actions without informed consent and introduces vague surveillance measures with no defined limits.

This consultation lacks credibility—it was hard to find, received no media coverage, and was only sent to a select few. It fails to meet consultation principles, with a lengthy and intimidating document restricting informed responses. The potential impact on devolved healthcare and borders and key details like notifiable diseases or diagnostic methods are not clearly explained. There's no transparency on who might hold authority or if mandates will be grounded in science.

The bill proposes significant overreach, violating human rights and informed consent. It also undermines due process by altering magistrates' court procedures, breaching Article 6 rights and shifting the burden of proof. Such constitutional changes require a referendum. Take this as my response to all further consultation questions.”

2 - Email the same response to -

3 - Share this substack and podcast with as many family members and friends as possible and ask at least three people to fill in the survey, and each of these three people to find another three people to do the same.

4 - If you live in Northern Ireland, write to your local politician and ask them to help you complete the survey and make it abundantly clear what your views are on the matter.

These laws and bills are being introduced globally. Check out the Bill C-293: Canada's Pandemic Prevention Plan. And this video which explains the ramifications of the Canadian Bill. (Thank you

for bringing this to my attention.)

Isn’t it eerie how similar these bills are? Government overreach, removing your freedoms, rights, and civil liberties to protect the public in the name of the greater good?

While COVID was yesterday, the fight for our freedom is far from over.

What must act NOW, everywhere and anywhere we see attempts to pass this type of legislation, if not for us, then for our children.

Much love

Ahmad x

Melissa’s Links -


X Account


The Proposed Public Health Bill and survey

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I hope you enjoy this episode.


Much love Ahmad


I Ahmad Malik: am a private civilian, protected by the Geneva Convention.

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